Agave Spirit

What is the Agave Spirit?

The Real Authentic Agave Spirit is one that can be felt all throughout Mexico’s History. It has been there through its wars, revolutions, celebrations, generations, and stories.

It can be shared through a simple handshake given between friends. It can be heard through some stories passed down through generations, or stories about an adventure that someone had. It can be seen and heard in all the people who drink Tequila Responsibly and uphold the values which make it so significant.

We believe that the Agave Spirit was meant to bring people together, to make them share where they come from, their values, and their stories,  to make an evening even better, by simply adding on to the atmosphere that is already there.

Today, this Agave Spirit of old lives within each bottle of 1000 Banderas, and can be felt, seen, heard, and shared through moments, stories, celebrations, and traditions in the lives of all those who drink Our Tequila.


Our Blanco Product shares this Agave Spirit in many ways. From Representing our Company’s Colors to having our label be in the shape of a mountain, that can be found all over Jalisco, where our Products come from.

         The Cap is different than our other products since the Tequila Blanco is the first version of our Tequila to be made and comes straight from the Agave Plant, our cap is closely representing the color of an Agave Piña. There are also Agave Piñas all over our label, representing and telling the story of how it is made.

         We made sure to represent the process of how it’s made, sharing part of the story of how a Tequila Blanco is made and truly living up to that Agave Spirit. 


Our Tequila Reposado changes in some ways to our Tequila Blanco to really embody its own version of the Agave Spirit. 

           A Reposado is aged throughout months inside of Wooden-Barrels in which it is getting the characteristics that make it so significant. It gains its color, its taste, its Aura. 

         The way in which we decided to represent this process, is by darkening our caps for this product, representing the Wooden-Barrels from which it is born.

     Also darkening our labels, making sure to tell the story of it being Aged from the Blanco Tequila and becoming its own version of the Agave Spirit, while still adding some wooden barrels all over the label since that is exactly where our Reposado product comes from. 

1000 Banderas Reposado Tequila Bottles in Front of wooden barrels